Don Edwards Literary Memorial

May 8, 2006

William Land Park Premptive Strategies

LeRoy, I have very fond memories of the park. I went often to the swimming pool, caddied on the golf course. Any thing you can do to continue to make it a park as apposed to a parking lot is to be commended. When public officials are indifferent to these kinds of things, especially in urban areas, it reminds me of “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” I’ve followed your attacks and I must say I am astonished you made any impact whatsoever. On the other hand you have a lot of credentials that spell success in these matters. I suspect it might take a few days, weeks, months, years (?) to get rid of signs, but….what the hell do I know?

My best to you today


Filed under: DON POSTS — Don @ 3:24 pm

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