Don Edwards Literary Memorial

May 4, 2006



My definition – a compilation, really – of an organizer goes something like this:

>An organizer is a person who knows how to create something out of nothing.
>An organizer is a person who takes something that does not now exist, and make it exist.
>An organizer is a person who creates his/her own reality.
>An organizer is a person who knows how to create a path of forward motion moving from the known to the unknown.
>An organizer is a person who knows how to mold chaos.
>An organizer is a person who recognizes the blind alley, knows how to alter course and pick up the pieces.
>An organizer is not the person who does all the work, but the person who knows what work has to be done, who can do it, and why.
>An organizer is a person who interprets for others the small victory achieved today, which will surely lead to a larger victory tomorrow.
>An organizer is a person who recognizes the seeds of victory sewn in today’s defeat.
>An organizer is a person who does not ask others to do what he/she will not.
>An organizer is a person who leads not by fiery bombast, but by example, by patient teaching, by their wits, and by a stubborn persistence.
>An organizer is a person so convinced, that others respond to his/her request for help.
>An organizer is a person who organizes the march, not the person who leads the march.
>An organizer is a person who does not accept no for the answer.
>An organizer is not an administrator, that is another person.

Have a nice Friday.


Filed under: LEROY POSTS — LeRoy @ 5:40 pm

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