Don Edwards Literary Memorial

May 27, 2006

And I hope your Saturday was as good as my Friday, LeRoy


Yesterday eldest daughter, Tracie,came for a visit. I am amazed at how similar the two daughters are at least in appearance, quite different in some ways.

Today Valerie’s youngest sister, Judy, comes for a fisit too…the only member of her family I like. A recovered alcoholic, she reclaimed her life, one of my heroines. I found out, dealing with the homeless, how hopeless the life of the addict is, how humiliating, how dispairing.

The rainbirds sing most of the time now. The feast of St. Anthony is the traditional day of the start of rain.

I have a post coming up….belief, mythology and dogma. What is the difference?

My best,


Filed under: DON POSTS — Don @ 4:59 pm

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